Open: 8:30 - 9:30am Friday mornings
Our school community has decided on a mandatory school uniform as it presents a consistent image to the public, eliminates peer pressure associated with non-uniform, and allows the school to easily identify our students.
Winter uniform is generally worn form the 1st June until the end of Term 3, however common sense should be exercised. Thongs are not permitted for safety reasons.
Children lose clothing very easily so please label all items of clothing with your child's name especially the school bomber jacket and hats as they are frequently in excess in the lost property box!
School uniforms may be purchased from The Uniform Shop which is located in the classroom block on the ground floor on Friday mornings between 8:30am and 9:30am.
The shop also sells good quality second hand uniforms for a gold coin donation when available. Parents are asked to donate to the clothing pool items of clean clothing in good condition that are no longer required.
Girls Summer Uniform
- Bottle green skorts/shorts
- Green polo shirt with school emblem
- White socks
- Black school shoes
- Bottle green school hat
- Tunic
Girls Winter Uniform
- Bottle green slacks or skorts
- Green polo shirt with school emblem
- White socks or bottle green stockings
- School Bomber Jacket
- Bottle green school hat
Girls Sports Uniform
- Bottle green PE skirt/bottle green shorts
- Polo shirt in house colours with school crest
- School Bomber Jacket
- White socks
- Sports shoes
- Bottle green school hat
Boys Summer Uniform
- Green polo shirt with school emblem
- Bottle green shorts
- White socks
- Black school shoes
- Bottle green school hat
Boys Winter Uniform
- Bottle green shorts
- Green polo shirt with school crest
- School tracksuit pants
- White sport socks
- Bottle green school hat
Boys Sport Uniform
- Polo shirt in house colours with school crest
- Bottle green trousers/trackpants
- Bottle green bomber jacket
- Bottle green school hat
Band Uniform: When the band performs publicly, band members wear black pants and a school band shirt (provided).